Sunday, May 16, 2010

Day 2 - Infatuation

I've completed Day 2 of Slim in 6 and I feel great! My new mantra is "Eat Clean To Get Lean". I focused on the program's food lists today. Something called the Michi Ladder. Hundreds of foods are broken down into tiers. Tiers 1 & 2 are supposed to be where 92% of all my food choices come from. Tier 1 - 70% (The Pious Tier) and Tier 2 - 22% (The Happy Tier) are mostly made up of vegetables, fruits, fish and skinless white meat chicken. Tier 3 - 5% (The Swiss Tier) seems to be a lot of healthy whole grains. Tier 4 - 2% (The Dodgy Tier) includes nuts, whole milk, and a lot of processed foods. And lastly, Tier 5 - 1% (The Newburg Tier) is fried food, cookies, cake & candy, pizza & ice cream. Of course, there are many, many more items on the lists, but you get the idea. Who is Michi, anyway?

A few years ago, Weight Watchers had a program called the Core Plan which wasn't too dissimilar. You focused mostly on fruits, veggies and lean protein, allowing yourself healthy grains & starches once a day. It also allowed for the occasional indulgence.

The bottom line for every diet, except maybe Atkins which my DH is on (and doing really well, I might add), seems to be calories in MUST be less than calories out. It sounds so simple, I don't understand why we can't master it.

This morning I didn't do my exercise until around 10:00. I slept until 9:30 when the phone rang and woke me up. It was my sister telling me she posted to my new Blog. I poured myself a cup of coffee while we were chatting and then realized I'm supposed to do the exercises on an empty stomach. I wonder, does black coffee count? Anyway, I put the cup away and waited until after I was finished.

I'm enjoying doing the exercises. And actually looking forward to the morning. I feel like a new routine and blogging about it has given me a new lease on life. It's a lot like the infatuation you feel when you first meet that special someone. You're so filled with hope that this could be the one. I've been dieting my entire adult life. It started with Dr. Stillman's Water Diet in the late 60's, since then I've tried The Cabbage Soup, Scarsdale, Hollywood, Grapefruit, South Beach, Volumetrics, and Sonoma Diets along with Atkins. The only one I've ever really had success with is Weight Watchers. But I've never actually exercised every day. Oh, sure, I walk with the girls, but our husbands always say our mouths get more exercise than our legs. It's mostly an hour set aside for catching up with a little walking thrown in so we feel like we're accomplishing something.

Yesterday, I did all the things SI6 recommends -- I weighed myself (more about that after my WW meeting on Tuesday), took my pictures (front, side & rear views) and measured myself. When did my thighs get to be the size my waist was when I was a teenager? SI6 recommends measuring again in 30 days so I can check my progress and then again at the end of my 6 weeks. They also recommend getting 8 hours sleep. Since I have to get up by 7:00 so I can complete SI6 before I walk with my friend, Mal, at 8:00, I think I'll say "Good Night".

By the way, the clock on this Blog is wacky, it's actually 11:50 PM.

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